An official army family and MWR Site

Fitness Center Courts Now Open

Note: This event has already passed.

The basketball, pickleball and racquetball courts at the MWR Fitness Center have reopened for play on a reservation only basis to all authorized patrons.

Basketball court reservations will be for same house residents and individuals. Please see below for full rules and if you have any further questions please feel free to call the front desk at 309-782-1967.

Basketball Court Reservation Rules:

1.     The basketball court can be reserved by all authorized patrons at this time.

2.     The basketball court can only be reserved during the Fitness Center’s open hours. You may only reserve the court one (1) day in advance.

3.     When reserving the court you will be allowed to reserve it for one (1) hour at a time. You must arrive no later than 15 minutes after reservation for guaranteed usage.

4.     For reservations/cancellations please call the Fitness Center front desk at 309-782-1967.

5.     Same house residents and individuals can reserve the court. Patrons must show an ID for proof of residency and eligibility. If you cannot provide proof you will not be allowed to use the court. If anyone is caught trying to bring others (non-same house residents) they will be asked to leave and lose their privileges moving forward.

6.     The courts will be broken into three (3) sections: Court A (near side half court) Court B (far side half court) or Court C (track surface court). There will be a five (5) person maximum capacity at any one time.

7.     Full court reservation (Court A + Court B) must have a minimum of four (4) people.

8.     While on the basketball court you can remove your mask but must put it back on when transitioning into a different area of the fitness facility.

9.     You will sign out a basketball at the front desk. You will not be allowed to bring in your own basketball.

10.You must bring in a separate pair of shoes to change into before getting on the court and a small hand towel for sweat.

11.Additional patrons are not allowed to join groups while on the court.

Fitness Center